Thursday, May 7, 2009

Farve Tries “Mrs. Doubtfire” Routine

In yet another twist to the strange twilight of Brett Favre’s career in the NFL, he was recently caught in disguise working at the Green Bay Packers’ training facility.
The 40-year old ex-Packer, apparently still obsessed with the way his career in Green Bay ended, was dressed as a buxom, elderly woman with glasses and had obtained a job as a chef in the kitchen at the facility.
"He had a great disguise, really disguised his voice well," said a spokesman for the team. "But after a few days we noticed this woman was getting a bit of stubble and seemed unaware of it, and a couple of days later she burned her tits off at the stove. At that point we knew it was a man, and he talked way too slow to be Robin Williams."
Favre also had a tendency to celebrate events by pulling his wig off and holding it high while running around joyously, occasionally attempting a "Lambeau Leap" atop the dishwasher. At one point, the spokesman said, Favre came in from outside with a piece of turf stuck in his wig, causing John Madden to appear from nowhere and start babbling about what a great, great football player this was, especially with "that thing on his deal." Madden also compared the Packers letting Favre go to "sticking a toothbrush in your eye."
But the clincher that really revealed his identity, said the spokesman, was "the interceptions. No doubt, it was the interceptions. Half the meals she cooked ended up in the wrong stomach. I mean he. Whatever."
When contacted, Favre said he "merely wanted to see his ex-teammates, regardless of the comedic consequences. I knew there was a chance that hilarity might ensue, but I was willing to take that chance."
Favre also said that he didn’t have no plans or wasn’t not planning to play or not play again for some possible other team at some point in the future.

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